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De Benetti Boutique Law Firm è uno studio legale italiano in grado di fornire un servizio completo e qualificato a clienti privati, imprese individuali o societarie che richiedano assistenza legale nella loro attività in Italia o all'estero.
Il nostro studio legale si avvale della collaborazione tra avvocati italiani esperti in diverse branche del diritto italiano e internazionale.

De Benetti Boutique Law Firm fornisce assistenza legale altamente qualificata nelle seguenti branche del diritto:

"I was introduced to Max and his Firm by an English contact, and they far exceeded my expectations. As well as being able to answer my innumerable questions, they were far more responsive than my English lawyers ever have been. Max even flew to a meeting where I needed him, that involved a thousand mile detour from his schedule. Cannot imagine any of my English lawyers ever doing that! I cannot recommend Max highly enough." Jonathan
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